1 December 2015

Time flies. Our King Ling’s ‘Golden Week’ passed and the first term exam is coming soon. Many of you have done a great job in the past few months. However, the tardiness problem still raises eyebrows. According to the violation records, there are nearly a hundred students being late to school, and many fail to line up on time for the morning assemblies. This shows that some students do not respect themselves and others; this attitude will become a severe problem. Imagine you being in these scenarios: if the minibus did not arrive on time, you would be late for school; if your teachers ended their lessons late, all of your favorite sandwiches might be sold out already and you had nothing to eat, then how would you feel?  Being punctual tells others a lot about us.
That’s why we should always be on time, it shows that you respect other people, and you care as much about their time as your own. This is the simplest thing that everyone should know; you would not want to be late for examinations, right?
In fact, school is the place for you to practise this basic concept fast: punctuality. You should snatch this fortunate opportunity to strengthen this concept. This lifelong habit not only is useful in school, but also in workplace: you are showing others that you are trustworthy; it is just one of the many character building skills. It is really significant to be on time because it will totally impress on others. Therefore, you should have a habit to be on time from now on by heeding time well.  Be observant, be respectful, and be humble.
Lastly, mind yourselves and prepare for the first term exam thoroughly; we know that “nothing worth having comes easy”.
Alice Lai and Winnas Wong
Head Prefects
For the Principal