1 January 2023

Happy New Year.  The new beginning of a year usually comes with tons of resolutions, you know, that we promise and commit to doing something to improve ourselves this year. Some may say to do community service work, some vow to work harder and be in the upper rung in class, some want to lead a healthy lifestyle with exercise and proper diet, and so on. Even if nothing really ends well at the end of the year, the resolutions act as a plan and a reflection to ourselves as to what we should do to improve. Some ponder on the future and the universe.
But this new year period is a rush to us at school, we came back to have our exam, and without seeing much of our teachers and classmates, we then are off for the Chinese new year holidays. So there are a lot of “me” time.  Many already got used to the me time during COVID years; besides training themselves physically, many more are attached to computer and smartphone for work and study, or pleasure.  We did hear a lot of cyber scams: love affairs, work, loans, you name it. Although we may not know any of our immediate relatives or acquaintances fell victims to such scams, I am sure each and everyone of us has received phishing Email on a regular basis. If we opened those mails, or clicked on the links, disasters might fall. 
Much like we put one or two locks on our front door, what security measures do you have between you and the Internet world? To say the least, if you put a lot of personal information, octopus card, bank information etc on your mobile phone, what would happen when you lost your phone or when your phone died on you? You must have your family and friends’ information on the phone, too. Are you still using “password” or “123456” as your password?  Consider the same security needs for your cameras at home which you use to monitor babies or sick grandparents. If we are able to raise our awareness beginning with our own selves, then to the family, and even the community and the nation, we will truly be safe as one.
I am asking you to amply protect yourselves, but not to shut out the world. Overseas interests is another security concern which deserves another passage, but we also love making new friends, learning new cultures, enjoying foreign cuisines. Your resolution this year should include enjoying life with proper protection for you and people you care about. And of course, work harder.  Happy New Year.
Anson Yang