
A few months ago, the Student Union launched the sale of souvenirs. It was a new experience to me; I was not sure if the sale would be popular. Surprisingly, the student response was extraordinarily good which was totally out of my expectations.
Through this experience, I have observed that actually students are excited to participate in school activities, but the reason they are holding back is that they hesitate to be pioneers. In fact, they are willing to design and give suggestions to new activities, but they lack initiatives to take the first step. Failing to take the initiatives is a common phenomenon among Hong Kong teenagers; we need to come out of our comfort zone and push our limit and we need to confront our fear and march forward. We call this the learning process.
I am very good at imagining every possible disastrous outcome for every single situation. After exhausting all the worst outcomes in my head, I soon realize that nothing is as bad as I imagined and the fear does not seem to inject any uneasy feeling.  In my opinion, the Student Union is playing an important role in encouraging students to take part in different school activities and express themselves. I hope the Student Unions to come will offer more platforms for students to engage in various activities, including a platform or two to collect student input and comments.
Student leaders are also given opportunities to participate in leadership tours; our school is devoting more resources to students for exploring the world and broadening their horizons. Studying is not about staying in an area or just reading books; seeing the world should never be neglected in the process of studying.  I look forward to seeing more students taking part in school activities actively and more opportunities for students to explore the world.
Haley Yu (4E)
for the Principal