
Upsetting news came toward the end of November, not only did we have a surge of confirmed cases of COVID-19, but also two families with young/teenage students took their lives at home.  Adding on the possible fear of diseases lurking around us, it is very hard to be optimistic.  I just hope that everyone we know, every parent of King Ling will do your best to protect people around us, to protect our community.
I was particularly sad that a church person passed away.  I came to know her in 2003 when I was asked to help out in some inter-school English activities. She was my complete opposite: thin, smart, smiley, optimistic, determined, and a math scholar. I then knew I had a lot to learn from this little woman for she was clever enough to explain math to God. Once I was in her office and saw a pile of application letters, almost two-foot high.  She told me she was scanning for a good English teacher. I asked her why she didn’t let English heads scan them, she replied that she didn’t want to further burden the teachers.
Looking down, admiring her.
A few principals, including her, vetted my various proposals on inter-school activities. She offered sound advice, venues, and personal contacts to make things happen, smoothening activities at every turn.
Naturally, when I began my service at King Ling through her recommendation, she was among the first I invited to the school.  She came to our 15th school anniversary function, happily showing my invitation card to fellow principals. I am sure she was happy to see me contribute my limited talents in a budding school, not to mention an evening out of the Convent. She retired in 2010, but continued to work for fellow principals and schools. We had some encounters in a handful of meetings, and quick chitchats; she kept herself busy and continued all Convent activities. Her passing did not come as a total surprise, but a pity, for she has been the closest person I know of who did not operate for herself but for people around her. She did not have to, she just did.
Sister Wong will be sorely missed by everyone who knew her, and the world is truly a lesser place without her.
Anson Yang