
Welcome back to another year of challenge. Although we had very difficult school terms in the last school year, I hope things will get better soon. I wanted to quickly report the excellent DSE results our recent graduates obtained; congratulations! However, a handful of them failed to score level 3 in the Chinese language and they were unable to be admitted to the local degree programs. I hope all students take note and work harder in the subject.

It is true that we cannot see each other on campus in September, but teachers will shape you into Renaissance Man and conduct online learning as needed in the coming year. Although we understand that distance learning is not for teenagers, we need to treasure each opportunity, because we are responsible for making this part of history, like it or not. Make sure you always reply loudly at once when your name is called online by your teacher and participate with full spirit.

I would like to spend some time on warning you on the seriousness of plagiarism. Plagiarism means the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own; it is an academic fraud and cheating. If you are caught, you will be branded academic dishonesty; it is a permanent record. But obviously, most student learning is basically regurgitating lessons learned, notes, and/or homework; students cannot be expected to “invent” something new for assignments or exams. Even so, students should learn the following:
1. “Copying” is acceptable only when the teacher instructs you to do so.
2. Use your own words as far as possible (both for written and oral)
3. If the ideas are not original, even for (2) above, junior students must declare first, for example, you can begin with: “As I learned in my Form 2 history lessons …” or “As my classmate mentioned last week …” or “In my liberal studies textbook, it is stated that …” or “In Ming Pao (1 July 2020) , we learned that …”
4. As for senior students, APA-style referencing is recommended for it is somewhat taught in Liberal Studies.
5. Word-for-word direct copying must not exceed 10% of the passage handed in (except for literature review part in IES) and/or in oral presentation. References must be stated for the word-for-word portion, and all paraphrased borrowed ideas.

I look forward to another fruitful year, and I look forward to meeting you all in person on campus soon. I really miss having intelligent and fun conversation with you all. Stay healthy and strong. Protect your family members, protect people you love, and protect King Ling College. Conduct yourselves well with discipline and self-discipline.

Have a good year.

Anson Yang