Gifted Programmes

Nine S2-3 students were nominated to join the Public speaking workshop organized by HKFYG Leadership Institute. Three sessions were conducted in October and November 2022. The feedback was positive in general. Students found the workshop interactive and they got numerous opportunities to practise their speaking skills.
Nine S1-3 students joined the 2022 Asian English Usage Contest. In the Heat Round, one student received the Gold Award, six received Silver Award and two received the Bronze Award. In the final round, five received the Silver Award and two received the Bronze Award.
Ten S4 students were chosen to attend the SCMP Anchor Programme. Six 2-hour sessions were conducted in March and April 2023. Students were trained with various skills including presentation, researching and script writing. Students also had a chance to use the studio facilities. Their final video was played on S3-4 Debate Competition Day (Finals) and would also be broadcast on Campus TV next academic year. Students’ feedback was positive as they found the experience interesting and rewarding.

Thirty S3-4 students participated in the Global Perspective Dialogues Workshop by Inter Cultural Education on 10 July. The topic was “Popular culture around the world”. During the workshop, several foreign hosts had different interactive activities and a discussion with the participants, introducing cultures in different countries. The workshop helped widen students’ horizons and raise their awareness of different cultures and customs. Students reflected improvement on their proactiveness in understanding cultures, connecting with people from other cultures and confidence in speaking English with foreigners.
