Page for New S1

I.       Registration: 11-12 July, 9:00am-12:30pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm. Please bring:
          1. Admission slip;
          2. HKID / HK Birth Certificate - true copy and photocopy;
          3. School reports (photocopies) - P5(whole year), P6(whole year);
          4. One passport-sized photos;
          5. Student Data form [Download]; and
          6. $400 for Newcomers’ day, exercise books and miscellaneous fees (by cash or a crossed cheque
              made payable to “the INC MGT Committee of King Ling College”).
There will be counters for the purchase of winter PE uniform and textbook at the school. Please feel free to obtain services from other providers.
II.      1. Registration Handbook - PDF [Download];
          2. Registration Handbook - Video [Watch]; and
          3. School Regulations [Download].
III.     Pre-S1 Hong Kong Attainment Test (Chinese, English, Mathematics): 16 July, 8:40am-12:30pm.
         Please bring:
          1. SSPA slip;
          2. HKID / HK Birth Certificate; and
          3. Stationery.
     In case of bad weather, for example, typhoon, red/black rainstorms, and resulting in EDB’s school closed
     announcement, the test will be postponed to 17 July. Refer to the school website for details.
IV.    Summer Course: 12-30 August, 8:50am-12:30pm
        (House assignment released on 12 August, please buy the PE uniform according to the House assignment.)
V.     Newcomers’ Day and Initiation Ceremony (for students): 24 August, 8:50am-4:15pm
        (for parents): 24 August, 1:00pm-4:15pm
        (Pre-ordered textbooks will be distributed by Wai Fat Books after Newcomers’ Day. Please bring a bag, your order form and balance total.)
VI.   Opening ceremony: 2 September (Monday), 8:55am-11:00am
King Ling College
  • Address: 1 Lam Shing Road, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
  • Tel: +852 2702 9602
  • Fax: +852 2704 3244
  • Email: