1 April 2016

Have you become stronger? Are you running so much faster?  I am sure the love from your family will make you stronger.  And in return, you make others stronger.  The school gala, reading forum, and grand tours have come to an end; I cannot be more proud. Not only did students put forward full attention and demonstrated their excellence, but they also learned to treasure each learning moment together.  I thank all teachers for running all programs, and taking care of students so well.
I hate to pour cold water, but we must remember our other duties: doing well at studies and taking care of our family members. All these help inform us a life we will be leading in university and beyond.  I read somewhere that a number of very bright first year university students cannot adjust to the tertiary study life, and are planning to quit. So many things are wrong in that situation: (1) did their secondary school teachers not prepare them well? (2) did these students not research well before choosing the programs which may be too difficult for them? (3) did they not work hard enough in the first term? (4) did the 20-year-olds fail to persist and decided they have failed at only 20? to name but a few.
Such a situation is probably due to a mix of everything, but now that they are already in the university programs, I think they should at least enjoy campus life to the best they can. I told students before that they learn solid knowledge through classroom instructions and life exposures; getting a degree becomes more like a state rather than academic qualifications—like the time one gets his identity card, driver’s licence, or turning 30. It is a process one must go through. My students know that they should eventually get a master’s degree, in order to enjoy life to the full. Just like getting a driver’s licence, then you can choose whether you want to drive or take public transportation. In short, no one should refuse to turn 30 years old; it is a process, not an achievement.  If you are thinking of quitting, let me offer you two lines of lyrics: too soon to run, too late to hide.
If you are worrying, don’t; all adults you see every day go through the same stage. Life is a privilege, not a right.
Anson Yang