
1 March 2024
This is a month of celebration for our school: we are officially 30 years old.  King Ling received students in a primary school for a year, before moving to the present site. From servicing the weakest bunch, to becoming one of the well-sought schools in the territory. It is no easy task opening the front gate every day for 30 years, with teams of dedicated teachers and supporting staff who only have students’ learning and welfare in mind. Students stay with us for a handful of years and move on.
They move on and come back occasionally to let us know their wellbeing; some disappear in the day-to-day work life. Indeed, school life takes up little time in their life, but it plays a crucial part to establish their individuality, sense of responsibility, and love for the country, as well as becoming a respectable and useful members of the society. In 30 years, we should have graduated 4000 Kinglingers who embrace the above.
In life, we cannot be at the top all the time, but there will be moments that we shine; people around us shine, too, because of us. The qualities stated in the school motto: diligence, perseverance, integrity, and simplicity are values we hope students will learn when they are with us. We are sure these qualities will take them a long way.  Although there have been hiccups in the development of the school, and there are difficulties one faces in life, we march on for we are connected by our one spirit and different strengths.
We look forward to many more years to come, and soon to celebrate of the Centennial. Although many of us will not be able to witness the Centennial, we know that our hard work and spirit help build history. It will be a moment that the community stand together to look for decades later.
Happy Anniversary.
Anson Yang