
DSE finally got started, I am sure all candidates are anxious but at the same time, amply prepared.  I wish all of you the best of luck.  But again, you don’t need luck at all, because you deserve being the best, given all the lessons you received, and the revision on your own.  You will get the grades that you deserve.
Although the pandemic situation in Hong Kong has been somewhat alleviated, we should continue to be vigilant of the environment, hygiene concerns, and care for people around us. Surgical masks and social distance have to be kept for a while; happiness in gathering is only genuine when no one is sick.
If school is re-open at all, it will be a challenge to schools deciding to have final exams; likewise, those which decide to promote all students without exams will face another set of challenges.  There is no best solution to something of this large scale.  It behoves us to consider one most desirable way which probably will not fit all, but that’s the best to the common good. We will decide and cross that bridge when we come to it.
In the meantime, please exercise and do revision regularly; you don’t want to be lagged among your peers at school and across the territory when we come back.
Take care.
Anson Yang